Universal Awe

The understanding of our magnificent universe’s science continues to grow. New exciting discoveries and theories are unfolding continually and rapidly.

One such theory involves The Theory of Dark Matter. Science now firmly believes it is an immensely powerful force in the universe

From our Solar System, Galaxy and a possible infinitely large Universe stretching beyond our imagination to matter so allusively tiny, it remains invisible to our known technology.

Incredibly, 96% of our universe is believed to be dark matter & invisible energy. These galactic forces were used to create life as we know it. Science believes it not only caused the Big Bang, but continues to exert unfathomable forces on everything everywhere, and because of it, the universe is expanding exponentially. Our universe’s dark energy & matter is thought to be responsible for the Big Bang. It is theorized to exist everywhere, even within us. It is an unstoppable force within our particles.

Incredibly, to SCIENCE, this dark matter is known as the “God Particle”.

Scientists do not know if the dark energy and matter will continue accelerating its expansion, slow and stop, or begin retract. Incredibly, they believe there is more dark matter at this time than solid matter, and it’s winning the balance of an equation battle. As the universe accelerates exponentially, it is believed that it will reach the edge of the known universe, and will exceed the speed of light. Matter will start to escape our universe’s grip as dark matter wins out, undoubtedly into something, but what’s beyond this event horizon of light speed is a total unknown.

Another strange theory put forward, was the direct opposite of an expanding universe, that is was in fact shrinkage, that shrinking made objects smaller, therefore “seem” like they were moving away. It was decided this was nonsensical, since shrinkage would result in planets with higher masses, and light year measurements becoming shorter, and this is simply not the case.The reason for mentioning this shrinkage theory is to illustrate how science theorizes, revises and has to change their thinking. Theory is a faith in itself; it’s a belief in something that is not proven

The great minds of recent, by letting go of imposed science, old assumptions, and traditions have observed the following;

Albert Einstein, with his general theory of relativity, opened the doors of science along with the mystical realities. Einstein theorized that space and time are intertwined and that matter is inseparable from an ever-present quantum energy field and this is the sole reality underlying all appearances. This theory challenged the basic assumptions about the universe and what it contained.

Physicists found that the most basic atomic particles in the cosmos comprise of the very fabric of the material universe. An electron, for example, can be shown to be both a wave and a particle depending on the observer’s perspective.

Physicist David Bohm, in his plasma experiments, at the Berkeley Radiation Laboratory, found that individual electrons act as part of an interconnected whole. In plasma, the gaseous electrons more or less assume the nature of a self-regulating organism, as if they were inherently intelligent. This scientific discovery of Non-Locality, the wave/particle duality, meant that everything is joined or connected together. Space and time are composed of the same essence as matter. Bohm found this to be a conscious atomic sea and extending out from this subatomic reality, all of material creation may also be said to be conscious. Since all matter and events interact with each other, time (past, present, future) along with space and distance, all are relative to the observer and operate as one under the law of Non-Locality.

A principle related to nonlocality is called Bell’s Theorem. This is a quantum physics law that says that once connected, objects affect one another forever no matter where they are. Following the principle of Bell’s Theorem…an invisible stream of energy will always connect any two objects that have been connected in any way in the past.”

This is exactly what is happening when we walk into a room and we can tell the “vibe of the room” was good, or the meeting we just came out of “was high energy” or the speaker really brought down the energy in the room. I think we are simply using language that makes sense to us. What we are now coming to realize however is there is a scientific quantum explanation for this.

Michael Talbot, in “The Holographic Universe”, describes all of material creation as a “ripple…a pattern of excitation in the midst of an unimaginably vast ocean” and “despite its apparent materiality and enormous size, the universe does not exist in and of itself, but is the stepchild of something far vaster and more ineffable.”

This meant that everything is connected to everything else and that physical reality is BOTH waves and a particles. This model birthed the “holographic universe” idea, the powerful conscious energy that the whole can invariably be found in the tiniest particles: an atom of a blade of grass to the most distance galaxies. The building blocks of atoms are merely, “parcels of compressed energy, packed and patterned according to certain mathematical formulae.”

Brian Greene’s “The Fabric of the Cosmos”, “The quantum field is the world, the invisible world, an invisible kingdom that exists beyond our senses but can activate our senses when we tune into it. This is exactly the explanation given for one of the most, if not THE most, important scientific discoveries of our time, why twins seem so connected even over thousands of miles, what we are actually learning about what were once called “premonitions,” and the controlled scientific experiments being done at Arizona State University on how intention has specific results on physical processes like plant growth.

So think about this. Our consciousness or our thoughts, design, create and direct these frequencies, these quantum energy patterns. We weave a web of quantum energy. Feel yourself into this for a minute – sit and think about a sad event. Notice the energy level in your body; note your expression, posture, breath, and pulse. If you were to continue on this thought train for 30 minutes and then walk into dinner with some friends, what do you think would happen? Well a good guess might be, that with people that know you pretty well, they might pick up on that fact you “look down” or that is seems like you are “hurting,” “struggling,” or are “low energy.” The energy you are generating in your little meditative exercise will very possibly be felt and seen by those around you.

The reverse is true as well. You know how you feel when you dwell on possibilities, incredible opportunities, and breakthroughs in your thinking or in setting a goal and reaching it. 1 These create a totally different sort of vibe; a vibe that is equally seen and felt by others around us. It is why we don’t like being around Debbie Downer types…”they drag us down,” we say. Their quantum energy signature isn’t connecting….now of course we don’t say that but that is actually what is happening!”

This is astounding coming from mankind’s science is it not?

Today’s scientific discoveries are often lost in today constant stream of media. The parody of our new world is that unlike a 100 yrs. ago, today, new discoveries are often lost in the worlds constant stream of social media. The biggest discoveries are lost in the barrage of a morally defunct social media. In the past such discoveries would have rocked the world, but now they are not even a 5 second blurb on the evening news, which, more than likely, is not being watched anyway because people are following a morally dysfunctional celebrity family’s day to day lives, mindless entertainment about dating a bachelor, a celebrities sex life, what clothing they wore, or even their sex change.” – Ab Surd, “Human Behavior Lacking Intellect”.

The scientists and physicists agree that the universe is energy. By their own definitions above, this energy appears to have higher power, and can assume the form of particles. Keep in mind that energy is never lost, it merely assumes forms, and be it particles, heat, light or countless types of matter or invisible energy that we know of, or are yet to be discovered. This must be greatly assuring to men of science, since we are made from this energy, therefore they absolutely know that life continues beyond man in some form or another.

The Large Hadron Collider

Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Scientists are now diligently seeking this dark invisible matter of the universe. In an attempt to find it, see it, and prove its existence in their minds, Scientists from all over the world collaborated to build the (LHC) The particle accelerator consists of a 27-kilometre ring of superconducting magnets with a number of accelerating structures to boost the energy of the particles along the way.he

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator. Consists of a 27-kilometre ring of superconducting magnets with a number of accelerating structures to boost the energy of the particles along the way.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world’s largest and most powerful particle collider, the largest and most complex experimental facility ever built, and the largest single machine in the world. The LHC was built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) between 1998 and 2008 in collaboration with over 10,000 scientists and engineers from over 100 countries, as well as hundreds of universities and laboratories. It

The dark matter is so powerful that they are unsure of the effects of isolating it by attempting to create a miniature Big Bang! Theories and fears abound due to their fear of the unknowns. Some people have suggested that a microscopic black hole, spawned by the powerful crash of subatomic particles racing through the LHC’s tunnels, could potentially suck up the Earth.

According to LIVE SCIENCE, Oct.6th, 2012 – “The potential for the world’s largest atom smasher to destroy Earth is one question weighing on the minds of some lay people as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) prepares to go online Wednesday. ll that in mind, here are answers to several questions buzzing around on the eve of the LHC’s inaugural run:

So, will a black hole consume the planet?

But physicists say these fears are unfounded. “For one, creating a black hole at LHC is extremely unlikely based on the laws of gravity alone”, CERN officials say. But even if it did happen, as a few highly speculative theories suggest, the miniscule black hole would be so unstable it would disintegrate immediately before it had time to gobble up any of the matter on Earth.

The scientific world has never seen this matter, it is merely a theory. But they have extreme faith that it exists. They do not know how it began, or if it will ever end. They say it appears to have intelligence, an infinite beginning and an infinite end, and powerful enough to have initiated the creation of the universe!…..Wow! – Sound familiar to those of spiritual pervasion?

An important point is that we ALL must keep an open mind, no matter where ever their discoveries lead them. We of true spiritual faith, and an open mind, already have the knowledge that something far greater is at work in this universe – far greater than science would have us believe just a few decades ago.

Knowing of a Higher Power, however, is not new to us of spiritual faith. We did not have to build the largest manmade machine on earth to know this to be the case. And we also do not fear the LHS “Ship” sailing of the edge of the earth destroying our world. We have faith in our Higher Power’s creation. We know puny man cannot change even the simplest of the Higher Powers laws, let alone the course of His plan.

Our higher power has put in place a majestic universe. We are protected by our guardian Jupitor, whose immense size draws comets and asteroids into orbit away from earth, and earth itself has a protective field from cosmic radiation. Scientists claim Earth’s magnetic field used to change, possibly every 50,000 years, this could be true. But it has stabilized and has remained stable for over 7,000 years… We know our higher power is in control, and fear not the nay-sayers.

To put man’s puniness into perspective, consider this

  • Our solar System: Our solar system, named after our closest star, our Sun – Sol, comprises of Eight planets, and one star – the Sun.
  • Galaxies: Our solar system, Sol, resides in the Milky Way Galaxy. Scientists estimate that there may be tens of billions of solar systems like The Milky Way in our one galaxy alone!, perhaps even as many as 100 billion
  • Universe: According to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.

These immense quantities, sizes and distances are simply impossible for our minds to fathom.

How impossible it would be for the tiny, barely a speck of man to affect our sun, and our galaxy. Let alone changing the Higher Powers laws for one hundred billion galaxies known in the universe.