Spiritual Awakening

Once we come to terms with ourselves, forgiving our past and gaining a clear understanding of these recovery principles, we embark on a transformative journey. This experience is unique to each individual but often encompasses inner peace as we recognize our place and purpose within the grand tapestry of life. It involves learning to focus on what truly matters and letting go of things beyond our control. Embracing the present moment allows us to live life as it unfolds, embracing its natural flow.
I have found acceptance.
I have forgiven myself for poor judgment in the past, but I will not forget.
I will be mindful.
I will live in this moment, for it is life’s essence itself.
I now know why I am here and have hope and faith in the future.
I will move steadfastly forward, bringing joy and comfort to those around me.
I will lead by example, with the knowledge that this will bring confidence and fortitude to my success.
I had the knowledge of how I got here, now I have the understanding of why I got here.
I have confronted this understanding and embraced it, knowing its tremendous power on my decisions andfuture.
With courage and by example, I will impart this knowledge and understanding to others.
I will look at my feet planted firmly on the ground and know this is where GOD wants me right now, with the priceless experience and knowledge that He has gifted to me.
I have lost nothing but of this world, and I have gained a new life far greater than man alone can provide.
GOD carried my burden, opened my eyes, and gave me peace while I was at the bottom of a pit.
What more could I ask of GOD? His wisdom and ways are truly amazing.
Faith without works is dead, so I will use this AWAKENING to work what I now know and understand.
My prayers have been answered.
Anthony Lilley, 96 Days